Humor…it is what makes us uniquely human. Laughter, jokes, smiles, laughing at our own mistakes and laughing with others is something that helps us to make it through the everyday of life. Humor helps us to relax and release tension filled social situations. We use humor to help build relationships, to ease tension, and to have fun.
I love listening to my children's humor and sense of timing with the humor that that they have. When they laugh, they are able to help others to accept their social flaws and struggles. We can help to coach them in the “when” to share something funny and the how to do it.
All people have can be funny, and they need to be recognized with knowing that their attempts to laugh at hard situations, really silly jokes, slap stick humor and so forth is normal…it is what makes it fun.
Weekly Vocabulary
Humor: something that makes you laugh
Sarcasm: saying something and with your tone of voice you actually mean something else.
Joke: to make others laugh
WEEKLY BOOK: Giant Children by Ted Arnold
Throughout the story Look at the jokes and what makes the book funny. Is the pictures, the words or the supports of the both the words and pictures together?
Weekly Homework
Share jokes with others
Model telling jokes. Timing is important with any jokes.
Practice/ Coach: tell jokes and play with words; point out the humor and explain why it is funny, or ask them why they think it is funny.