Skills to Be Social: Conversations
In communicating with others we use the skill of conversations. There are essential elements to a conversation: 1) initiation, 2) turn taking, 3) active listening, 4) proximity, and 5) planning to say something. Teaching these elements also takes teaching the subtle social factors as well: 1) assessing the social cues of others, 2) tone of voice, 3) facial expressions, and 4) turn taking. It takes a lot of practice to navigate these pieces of a conversation and have them work seamlessly in order to be understood.
Weekly Vocabulary
Taking turns: to share conversation time so that all speakers have a chance to talk and comment on the topic
Memory files: a social strategy to learn 3 facts about someone else and then share those facts in a conversation
Plan to say something: Think, Practice, and Speak
WEEKLY BOOK: The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog by Mo Willems
Throughout the story look at the turn taking that the pigeon and the duckling exchange. Explian that when we talk one person listens and the other thinks about what is being said and then can respond back to the conversation. Then discuss why it would be important to take turns in a conversation.
Conversation Skills to work on:
Please help your child practice the following conversation starters:
Teach Greetings: When we first meet someone we say hi, and what our name is. Then a follow up phrase like it is nice to meet you, or how are you? Make sure to practice and follow the follow through phrase.
Model: Hi (wait for the other to say hi, then share what your name is) My name is_____. Then the follow up phrase.
Practice/ Coach: Use your Memory File information to continue to the next step of the conversation: talking about what the other one likes.
Practice / Coach