Written by April Giauque
Welcome to the Church of Joy!
Elder Kearon

Church of Joy! What a smashing title and punch in the face to wake me from Satan’s deceptive pull that religion is old, a bore, full of restrictions, and no happiness. Those are the pack of lies that Satan uses to get us to stop attending or joining. Elder Keaon puts that on its head with this power talk, “Welcome to the Chruch of Joy!”
When I think about my baptism, I remember my mom making my dress, my dad baptizing me, and the smiling happiness I had inside. I really was set fresh and new onto the pathway and journey back toward the Lord. Thrilling and anticipation were the words that filled my eight-year-old heart. I was ready for an adventure. I was ready to choose the right. I knew that when I messed up, I could still repent and that as long as I was headed toward His light, I would make it back no matter how slow I was or what trials came.
Elder Patrick Kearon shares about his baptism in I was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Christmas Eve of 1987, nearly 37 years ago.
“That was a truly wonderful day in my life and in my eternal journey, and I’m profoundly grateful for the friends who prepared the way and brought me to the waters of that new birth.
Whether your baptism was yesterday or years ago…I would like to say to you, welcome to the church of joy! WelcomeThe Church of Joy!”
Joyful Reverence
We should be the most joyful people on earth because of the loving plan of our Heavenly Father. It’s true! We have the fullness of the GOSPEL!! What JOY! What JOY!!
The redeeming life and mission of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, we can—and should—be the most joyful people on earth!
We assemble to celebrate the sacrament, our deliverance from sin and death, and the Savior’s powerful grace! Here we come to experience the joy, refuge, forgiveness, thanksgiving, and belonging found through Jesus Christ!
We deeply love, honor, and respect our God, and our reverence flows from a soul that rejoices in Christ’s abundant love, mercy, and salvation!

Elder Kearon asks us these questions: Does reverence only mean folding our arms tightly around our chests, bowing our heads, closing our eyes, and holding still—indefinitely? NO! It’s helpful for kids, but really look to JOY! Is that how we would be if the Savior were with us? No, for “in [His] presence is fullness of joy!” If I shut my eyes and really imagine myself in the presence of the Lord:
I have tears in my eyes,
a song bursting from my heart and
I think I would jump and clap and
run to hug Him.
There are three songs that pull at my heartstrings when I think about JOY and JESUS:
Attending VS Worshiping
We come together to worship. There is a significant difference between the two. To attend means to be present. But to worship is to intentionally praise and adore our God in a way that transforms us! This reminds me of the Christmas Hymn: “Oh Come All Ye Faithful!” There is a line there where we are asked to ADORE HIM. Adoring someone is living fully in the presence and feeling that light!
On the Stand and in the Congregation
Our faces should reflect joy and gratitude. WEAR IT!
Do we smile?
Do we sing with Joy?
Do we love others?
Do we welcome and share in Christ’s Joy because, through Him, we are truly saved?
Hymns and Singing
As we sing, are we joining together to praise our God and King no matter the quality of our voices, or are we just mumbling or not singing at all? Scripture records that “the song of the righteous is a prayer unto [God]” in which His soul delights. So let’s sing! And praise Him!
Talks and Testimonies
We center our talks and testimonies on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the fruits of humbly living Their gospel, which is “sweet above all that is sweet.” Then we truly “feast … even until [we] are filled, that [we] hunger not, neither … thirst,” and our burdens become lighter through the joy of the Son.
The Sacrament

Elder Kearon states, “This is a sacred time of spiritual renewal.” The sacrament is time for us to do the following:
Willing to take upon us the name of Jesus Christ,
make the covenant again to remember Him
and keep His commandments.
We come full of cares, doubts, trials, heartache
We come feeling free from sin and joyful and praising
Elder Kearon always reminds us that “We should not sit in our sins reflecting on how awful we are but how repentance can fix and help us improve! What JOY!!!” After all, The Sacrament is this gift of JOY to all of us. Let’s reflect it!
Young Children and Special Needs
Now, for parents of children who are young or have special needs, there is often no such thing as a time of stillness and quiet reflection during the sacrament. Elder Kearon shares, “But in small moments throughout the week, you can teach by example the love, gratitude, and joy you feel for and from the Saviour as you constantly care for His little lambs. No effort in this pursuit is wasted. God is so aware of you.”
I testify that that is true. I have several stories to share about this with my children with autism. One is the “Fruit Bat story” (it is a blog story by itself) and “Yucky Jesus Bread.” (I have hundreds more), but this will get the point across.
“Yuck Jesus Bread.” Garrett was 4 years old, and he had just started speaking. For the first time in our congregation, brown whole-grain wheat bread was used for the sacrament. When the tray came to Garrett, he announced. “Yucky Jesus BREAD!” to my horror and embarrassment. The congregation had a few snickers, but no one scolded or mocked him or us. We came back week after week, no matter what. Why? I am not perfect. I’m full of si,n and I need to worship God and renew my covenants no matter what other people think of me or my family.
Family, Ward, Branch, Counsels
In family councils, we can discuss how each individual can contribute meaningfully to welcoming all to the church of Joy! We can plan and expect to have a joyful experience at church. Discussions in Ward and Branch councils can be done similarly. I like how we have greeters at the door and people who are quiet and smiling and still feel welcomed and invited. If people feel left out, we need to reach out and ensure they feel the Joy of Jesus. He makes all things possible! We ask ourselves how the Savior would want our sacrament hour to be? If the Savior were right there, he would welcome all, smile, hug, interact, and connect with our heart to heart. Let’s do the same.
Welcome to the Church of Joy!
Jesus is Joy! His church is Joy! Elder Kearon says, “My faith and joy in Jesus Christ was my first great discovery, which changed my world. If you have yet to discover this joy, embark on its quest. This is an invitation to receive the Saviour’s gift of peace, light, and joy—to revel in it, to wonder at it, and to rejoice in it every Sabbath.”
I love how he ends it. He dove into the scriptures and pulled out the testimony of Ammon. He was filled with Joy after serving the Lamanites and watching their hearts change and convert to Joy and truth!
“Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were [a people] that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name.
“Now if this is boasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, … my joy, and my great thanksgiving.”—Alma 26: 35-37
Please come and join Jesus in the True and everlasting gospel–His Church of Joy!
I can’t wait to share this with you on Monday at 6:30 pm Mountain on the Beacon of Light Podcast from the Pulpit.
Come check out all the resources about Elder Patrick Kearon for free here: