Written By April T Giauque
Elder Juan Pablo Villar General Conference OCT 2024
As we reach out to Jesus Christ in faith, He will always be there. I think of the Savior as a lighthouse. He is set on the rock on a pure foundation—His foundation of love, light, and priesthood. He is immovable from truth, and therefore, His light will “ever” shine out toward us. How close or far away from him and that light is usually based on our choices or circumstances. But we can ALWAYS follow that light! We can always turn our ship toward him and correct our course. He is never moving, but we are the ones that must REACH out to him.
Elder Villar shares a story about swimming in big waves during the summertime. He took on the big waves without knowing what to do or being shown the way. His older brother rescued him twice from the pounding waves and invited him to “dive with him.” Together, through proximity and example, they dove together. Elder Villar learned that his older brother was there to teach, share, and save him. He knows that is true for his Eldest Brother, Jesus Christ.

If you have ever had time in the ocean, you realize the power of water very quickly, and I know I have taken my tumble in the ocean a few times. It is humbling, and the thought of rescue was racing through my mind. The story triggers a powerful memory of having “Jesus take the Wheel” when I escaped my abusive marriage 18 years ago. I reached ever toward the Lord and have done all I can to follow His light and guidance. He has been there for me and continues to be there for me during that terrifying time and for my entire life. As I face His light, I am in His hands.
The Savior’s Power Over the Adversary
“During our mortal time, we are subject to the adversary's attacks. Like the waves that had power over me that summer day, we can feel powerless and want to give in to a stronger fate.
That is our Savior, Jesus Christ. He can help us out of every miserable condition or adverse situation. Regardless of whether we feel close to Him, He still can reach us where we are as we are.”
The Savior Teaches us in Scripture And His Example
Elder Juan Pablo Villar shares that There is a pattern for us in the scriptures when He or His disciples reach out to someone needing help, rescue, or a blessing as they reach out with their hands. How many of is bask in the Light of the Lord and, with that light filling our hearts, notice and reach and help to rescue others?
Elder Villar knew his brother was there, but being there for me was not enough. His brother, Claudio, knew he was in trouble, and he went to help lift me from the water. That is the difference. The Reach toward the Savior and the Savior’s reach back is real. Again, I recall my own rescue; the Savior prompted me to go, to stay, to leave, to hide, to stay safe.
Elder Villar shares that “We can rely on the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost to discern what kind of help is needed, whether it is temporal support like emotional comfort, food, or aid with daily tasks, or spiritual guidance to help others in their journey to prepare, make, and honor sacred covenants.” I testify that that is true!
The Savior is Ready to Rescue Us

Think about the story of Peter and the Savior:
Peter walked on the water and looked at Christ in full faith. When Peter started to doubt, Jesus knew he would be there for him. Peter doubted and began to sink.
Jesus was immediately there. He never let him sink out of reach.
If we think celestial, we will receive the confirmation in our hearts that Jesus Christ is indeed our Rescuer, our Advocate with the Father, and our Redeemer. Elder Villar recalls, “My brother did not give up on me that day but persisted so I could learn how to do it for myself. He persisted, even if that required rescuing me twice.”
The Savior Asks Us to Think Celestial
Our prophet, President Nelson, asked us to “Think Celestial.” If we think celestial, we will realize that our Savior will be there as many times as necessary to provide help if we want to learn, change, overcome, cope, or succeed in whatever will bring true and everlasting happiness to our lives.
Elder Villar teaches,
“In His atoning sacrifice, His hands were pierced by nails to affix Him to the cross. After His Resurrection, He appeared to His disciples in a perfect body, but the prints in His hands remain as a reminder of His infinite sacrifice. His hand will always be there for us, even if we cannot see it or feel it at first, because He was chosen by our Heavenly Father to be our Savior, the Redeemer of all humankind.”
I testify that I know through my own experiences that the Savior is there for us. If we keep our minds focused on Him and His return, or to “Think celestial!” we will be in His light! Testify that and know that we are not left alone in this life. Life and challenges just happen, and while we must face challenges and trials, our Heavenly Father knows our capabilities and knows we can bear or overcome our difficulties. Elder Villar reminds us, “We must do our part and turn to Him in faith. His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, is our rescuer and will always be there.”
Check out the LIVE Beacon of Light Podcast From the Pulpit on Tuesday, December 17, at 6:30 p.m.
Come check out all the resources about Elder Juan Pablo Villar for free here: