Market fears? Can’t sell your products or books? Are you worried because you can’t write copy and you feel embarrassed selling yourself? If you answered yes to any of these, I want to help you to stop your fears and get into marketing. It is crucial to make sure you can get the information out there. As my publisher says, “you have a moral obligation to share what you have created with others.” Do you want to know how to do this in just a few clicks of a button?

Welcome back to another Author Wizard review! Last week we covered What I do in one Sentence Hook Wizards and Daily Content Idea Wizard; you can check it out here.
Today we are concentrating on one Wizard that is like 5 in one!
FB “Live,” Video, and Podcast Segment Script Wizard
According to the latest research, did you know that Websites with videos attract 2-3x as many visitors? Landing pages with video are 53% more likely to rank on page one of the SERPs. By the end of the year, 80% of all consumer Internet traffic will be video traffic*
With that in mind, let’s get your information out there with a video!
FB “Live,” Video, and Podcast Segment Script Wizard
Do you know what I can produce with this one Wizard? I can make
Video/SM live video
Facebook Post
Social Media Headlines/Hooks
Email Teaser and Body
Show Notes which I turn into a Blog post
Powerpoints (if you want to turn it into a Webinar)
This Wizard has six incredible steps! What?? Six in one Wizard? YES! It’s true! All you need to do is fill out the 18 fields, and BAM you have an amazing The KEY to this Wizard is knowing what it is you want to share. Do a quick brainstorm about a topic for the video.

For example, if your focus is on writing or editing, you will want to take only 1 of the skills/topics for the video. For example, I am a ghostwriter, developmental editor, line editor, copy editor, writing coach, and so much more. I’m going to pick one skill out of all of them to make the video.
Here is a sample of one. Ghostwriting Skill
#1 Video Post Text:
There are three social media posts that the software pumps out for you. The structure and wording of the jobs use keywords that help to support SEO connections. Post number one will call attention to Breaking news, an invitation to join the video, and an invitation. Post number two focuses on a shout out, invitation, and call to action. The final post is my personal favorite because it asks a question, makes an invitation, and a call to action. My groups respond well to questions, so I think this is the power punch!
Here is a sample from my favorite post:
Are you a Woman who left abuse for freedom?
Do you want to remain free and not have to go back and to lose their freedom?
Step 1: Drop what you’re doing and watch this Hope video right now!
Step 2: Get moving to remain free here with
#2 Video Script!
This structure is brilliant, and you can create a video that is one to five minutes long.
It gives you a title, a welcome, the body of the video with three steps, and points to what you are talking about, a closure, and a call to action.
If you can read, you can go through this script and make a video. The scripts help you to get more and more comfortable with talking in front of the camera and helps to keep you on target!
#3 Social Media Tweets, short Facebook Posts, Ads and Headlines
This one Wizard will pump out 22 headlines. Here are a few that I did for helping women to get out of domestic abuse
Struggling to feel free? LINK
Struggling to remain free? LINK
Struggling to feel free? Here’s your video! LINK
Struggling to stay free? Here’s your video! LINK
# 4 Video Email Teaser and body
You get 12 Email Subject Lines and then a full body of the email complete with the breakdown of the three skills you talked about in the video. This email has a basic structure of the welcome, body, and “ps” call to action or stealth closure to send your clients to websites, funnels, blogs, Facebook groups, whatever you are calling them to do.
#5 Show Notes
I use these show notes as a structure for blogs! What? Are you serious about that? YES—I’m absolutely positively serious. All I do is fill it in with an opener, a few transition words, and make sure the closure has the call to action or something I want to give to people. Wait a minute, are you telling me with this one Wizard I can 1) make a Facebook post, 2) make a video, 3, use multiple headlines/hooks for more posts, 4) create an email, and 5) create a blog? All of that from filling out only 18 fields in software? Is there anything else? Yes. I’m glad you asked.
#6 Powerpoint
If all of the above wasn’t enough, you actually get a PowerPoint! Huh? Yes! It’s true. You can use this to create a webinar or training for any of your books or products.
Make a video
Use multiple headlines and hooks for more posts
If you’re struggling to put the right words and videos where they belong on your sales copy, ad copy, or even blog post, Author Wizards will help you become the marketer with you having to become a publicist. Now that’s a deal!
That’s it for today’s review. Like, comment, and share so that we can help a hundred more authors to achieve what they were called to do. I’d love to hear from you and how I can help your experiences too. By the way, if you would like to create posts for your social media, contact me here, and let’s schedule a time to make marketing happen for you. MARKETING