Guest Blog by Adriano Ferraro
Be Ready
You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will
come at an hour when you do not expect him. ~ Luke 12:40
I love an adventure! Especially one that involves our gifts and talents. It brings out the light in you and those around you.
God used my brother’s last words to help me be ready. The experience was so powerful, I decided I would no longer bury my gifts. My heavenly Father has led me by the hand as I learn how to use them for the Kingdom of God. Together we make a beautiful melody.
My passion is to encourage others in the unique gifts and talents God has given them as they begin to live and dream again.
While writing this book, Be Ready, my relationship with the Lord grew so much. God saved me, and now, every area of my life is renewed and refreshed. The good Lord forgave me and lifted the lie of shame off me.
My identity is in Christ and He has taken me through devastating discouragement, confusion, and healed my soul. When I read the Bible, it is now like a love letter from God.
My prayer for anyone who struggles with their identity in Christ is to go to the Lord directly and continue to seek Him. Your heavenly Father loves you so much and His thoughts outnumber the grains of sand in the entire world. Psalm 139:17-18 says, “How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them, Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand – when I awake, I am still with you.”
Be Ready! Be Ready at All Times!
Defeated, Discouraged, and Ashamed are not your identity! God has called you by name and you belong to Him. (Isaiah 43:1) Don’t bury your gift, let your light shine.
Be Ready is more than the tale of two brothers, Adriano and Tony. It’s a powerful lesson about forgiveness and redemption. Every day we write a new chapter in our legacy. Make it count!
Adriano Ferraro was born in Spokane, Washington. He is a singer, songwriter, pastor, author, and speaker. Through his music and the Be Ready message, others are inspired to use their gifts and talents.
His love of singing and writing songs started at a young age when he would go off alone in the woods of his backyard. Adriano wrote original songs and recorded them in Seattle, Nashville, and Spokane. His repertoire includes many styles – gospel, jazz, country, and pop. His songs can be found on Spotify and all social media platforms. Adriano has released three music albums. His first book, Be Ready, was released in early 2024. His second book, I’m Ready, will be released in December 2024.
Professionally, Adriano also teaches private voice lessons, virtually and in person, along with how to perform on stage. As a guest speaker, his presentation also includes original songs. Adriano’s goal is to encourage others to have the discipline it takes to live and dream again and take the actions needed to use their God-given gifts and talents.
Adriano has a Bachelor’s degree in music and fine arts from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Washington. He also ministers in word and song at Off Broadway Family Outreach, a ministry for the hungry body and soul in Spokane, Washington.
Be Ready Ministries spreads the good news through song and message. More than just Adriano’s original songs, they are an invitation to meet Jesus. And to invite the audience to use their gifts and talents at the same time Adriano is using his.
For more information about Adriano Ferraro and Be Ready Ministries, go to
Join us on the Beacon of Light Podcast Nov 5th at 6:30 pm Mountain for an awesome conversation! Join us on YouTube