Out of Darkness: Find, Fuel, and Live in Your Light

You can’t stand in light while sheltering in the Darkness. Step out of Darkness and into Light!
Pain. Fear. Shame. They all thrive in darkness, in unpredictability, in loneliness, and in feeling friendless or unloved. Where are these voices? In your head! They say things like, “you are not enough, or you are too much.” Darkness feeds them because they are hidden deep within you. They are like a black hole sucking all your energy and robbing your light from shining.
Are you tired of walking around in a darkened state of mind never changing? Are you satisfied with sheltering in the darkness? Is there something you are hoping for? Are you wanting to come out of the darkness to find light? If you're feeling trapped by the voice in your head?
It's NOT too late to come Out of Darkness and into freedom! It won’t be easy. Pain, fear, and shame will all take an emotional, physical, and mental stand against you. But don’t give up! You are not alone in this battle.
“Out of Darkness” is a parallel companion book to “Pinpoints of Light: Escaping the Abyss of Abuse.” It is April Tribe Giauque’s journey of her life, what she learned in abuse, what she learned after the abuse, and how to never fall back into abuse (self-inflicted or otherwise).
April Tribe Giauque shows you in, Out of Darkness, a powerful method to find your light. She will empower you to:
• Identify your enemy and how to defeat him. You are worth fighting for!
• Discover your self-worth and the beauty that you are. You are more than you know!
• Say YES to loving yourself.
Deep breath. Be brave. She is in the pages of the book and will walk the journey with you to find, fuel, and live in your light! You are worth it!
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Thank you for visiting our media room. Your time is critical and we don’t believe in wasting any of it. We look forward to working with you.
For an interview, please contact april@apriltribe.com.
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Here is an outline of the media kit for fast navigation. I look forward to connecting with you about my book Out of Darkness: Find, Fuel, and Live in Your Light--April T Giauque

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Sample Questions
Sound like a pro even though you haven't read the book yet.

If you'd like these 10 questions in an easy to print PDF, please click the button.
In 60 seconds, what is Out Of Darkness about?
Sharing stories about abuse is an emotional challenge. Why do you want to share your story?
Tell us about this quote, “There is opposition in all things.” Why is that important for the reader?
In the book, you talk about the three P's: Pleasing, Performing, and Perfecting. Can you explain what these did to you?
What's the cost for people who don't find their self-worth?
The book reveals the intimate of the danger of attaching your value to what you can produce. Tell us more.
What is Comfort Cage?
What is a Learning Zone?
You talk about your journey to discovering your worth and value. What do you mean by that?
Where do you see this book going? (TV Movie? Inspirational Speaking)
Book Teaser

April Tribe Giauque is an empowerment speaker and a published author. She has a passion for showing stories, and how they connect humanity together. She is a writer for hire in ghostwriting, editing, and coaching. She is an action taker that blesses the lives victim of many types of abuse.
Her published works, Pinpoints of Light: Escaping the Abyss of Abuse gives real hope to anyone in domestic violence to know there is a way out, through exit plans, supporters, making the decision to leave. In her second book, Out of Darkness: Find, Fuel, and Live in Your Light April help you to discover your light, your worth, and your healing journey that wholeheartedly is absolutely possible.
April is also a regular guest on podcasts and blogs. She empowers women with coaching, clarifies women’s strengths and secrets, and presents them with candor, humor, hope, and inspiration. April empowers her audiences to find their worth, their own light, and their strength. She loves a salad, hates chocolate, is a mother of nine children, and she and her husband live in Texas.
Interview for Out Of Darkness