It's Summer; I'm Bored!
Here are some fun Summer activities. Think about going outside and turning off the electronics so that you can build meaningful social interactions with others. Remember to plan ahead, be brave, and have supports and accommodations as you need. Summer is a great opportunity to explore new things and enjoy the amazing world around us. Here is a short list of idea of fun things to do in the summer to help stave off boredom. Be safe, and enjoy your Summer!
See a movie at the drive-in
Blow bubbles
Play tag, hopscotch, or one of your favorite childhood games
Build a sandcastle at the beach
Roast marshmallows over a fire and make s’mores
Eat corn on the cob
Have a barbecue
Have a picnic in the park
Watch the sun set from a beach
Go to a State Park
Nap in a hammock
Sleep out on a Trampoline
Star Gaze with family or friends
Visit the Library
Sign up for a Community class
Play outside for at least an hour a day
Create your own play or game
Make costumes
Paint faces
Go Fishing
Go Camping
Go to a day camp and learn a new skill or craft
Set up a tent in the family room when it’s raining outside