Home Connection: TOPS
What will Home Connections do for me?
What will Home Connections do for me?
This book is the social skills book with 32 lessons for your children who display difficulty interacting with peers or others during different settings and multiple times. The Home Connection book gives support for parents to know how to teach social skills to their children. The book contains additional resources to aid parents reinforce the target social skills from BASE: TOPS at home and other non-academic settings.
To explain further, home connection supports the children's learning across all settings. Using this book, parents have the tools to practice each skill set in other natural environments, such as community outings, grocery stores, sporting events, etc, therefore reinforcing those skills.
Research has shown that interventions including parental involvement resulted in marked social behavior improvement (Kamps et al., 2004; Dugan et al., 1995). Additionally, skill mastery is achieved faster and more fully following intense focus on a minimal skill set followed by frequent trials and practice across multiple settings (Antia et al. 1993, Bellini et al. 2007). There are four components to the home connection lessons:
· Goal and purpose: Listed for parent’s understanding of the target skill
· Vocabulary: For parents to review with their child
· Parents box: A guide for discussion, coaching, and practice between the parent and child
· Books: Suggestions on books to read to assist in teaching the target skill
Purchase Home Connections TOPS and watch your children gain social skills, decrease their behaviors, and lower their anxiety so that they can have successful social interactions with others.

Home Connections TOPS