Coaching: to coach using BASE means to model, correct, model, correct, support, question, observe, and then repeat. Coaching just like in sports takes a trained eye and years of experience to help the beginner through to the most advance complete their goal. A true coach breaks down a task/skill to the foundation and then teach/coach/model the skill as they rebuild the step-by-step process through till completion.
BASE coaching is done on day 2 of Foundations and day 3-4 in TOPs. It is structured off the video modeling. The teacher is given supports to implement the skills they saw during the video modeling so that they can reinforce the positive skills through the day. Throughout each day as the students are interacting with the skill whether it is sharing or accepting no for an answer, the teacher/coach is able to correct, support, and repeat until the desired skill is observed.
A huge component of BASE is the coaching found in Home Connection Foundation/TOPs Parents are given the same or similar supports of coaching in order to help the student to better generalize the skill. This coaching component with the teacher and at home, makes BASE the most comprehensive social skills curriculum on the market today.