It's a Brain Thing
Not long ago, I attended a fantastic presentation and training by Jo Mascorro, and I wanted to share some of the highlights. In her presentation, she talked about how the brain loves to associate, it loves feedback, and it needs to know things. Example: why are we constantly checking the calendar, our phone, or our watches? We are anticipating when things are going to happen so that we can be prepared for things. The brain loves this! The information is true for every brain, but especially true for anyone who has disabilities. Here are the top highlights:
The brain learns the best by hearing, seeing, and doing; and if you have all three things will stick! The brain loves ritual and routine
The brain loves count downs to help finish a task (timers, in 5 in 3 in 1 minute)
The brain loves to have expectations; the clearer the better (clean your room—how? BY putting your shoes on the shelf, clothes hung up, and bed made).
The brain is always recording so support it.The brain needs replacement behaviors in order to help change one behavior to another…it just can’t “stop."
Drop phrases like, “right now, stop,” etc. Replace them with “do this, in 5 minutes this, touch here, use this", ect.
The brain loves feedback: let’s learn, let’s fall, let’s get messy;
In order to change your thoughts, you need feedback
The brain thinks from the center out; Stress kills neurons.
My favorite phrase of the conference, “I’m not killing my neurons over you.”
These are just the amazing highlights. If you ever get the chance to hear Jo Mascorro, please don’t pass it up!

Brain learns best by doing!